Institutional Contact Information

Membership Levels

  • Includes 20 memberships and 20 conference registrations for nominees selected by the institution.

  • Includes 10 memberships and 10 conference registrations for nominees selected by the institution.

  • Includes 5 memberships and 5 conference registrations for nominees selected by the institution.

  • Includes 3 memberships and 3 conference registrations for nominees selected by the institution.

  • Includes 10 low income or electronic-only memberships, and no conference registrations. Bronze-level membership is NOT available to institutions based in countries listed in the World Bank High Income Economy classification.

Discount Eligibility

Institutions located in the Worldbank Low Income Economy and Lower-Middle Income Economy category countries are eligible for a 40 percent discount on Silver, Gold, Platinum, and Diamond memberships. This discount does not apply to the Bronze membership. 

To verify whether your institution qualifies, please consult the World Bank's current list of classifications.

I have checked the World Bank's economic classifications and confirmed that my institution is eligible for a discounted institutional membership. I understand that this membership application is subject to cancellation if my institution is not based in a country currently classified as Low Income or Lower-Middle Income.


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